Wednesday, January 23, 2013

      We rationalists use methodological naturalism and most  of us are ontological naturalists.. We reject the  supernatural and the paranormal as they contradict our conservation of knowledge. We urge people to use reason and facts,  not false intuitions, revelations and other non-sensorial sources.
       Our five senses and instruments deliver facts on which we build knowledge.
       Knowledge, not faith, leads to that more abundant life.
       When haughty John Haught claims that faith envelopes the entire being and Alister Earl McGrath claims that first believers find the  evidence and then apply faith to it as certitude, both  positions fail in that they are not tentative as science perforce  is. So, their definitions amount in the end to blind faith to  chain  believers to certitude instead of prodding them to find out truth. Oh, yes, advanced theology has changed from fundamentalism but can go no further or else, believers become unbelievers as no evidence exists for belief.
                         Theologians go from one quicksand to another!
           We  rationalists embrace empiricism unlike the Continental Rationalists of old. We  Empiricism belies intuitions, revelations and such.
           We are skeptics. We are humanists.           
           Rationalism leads to that more abundant life! Reason save, not some forever dead cult leader!  
             What is your take?

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